Build your list; build your business.
Ever heard how “the money’s in the list”? It still is in the list, and it always will be. Email marketing continues to have dramatically better ROI than any other marketing channel. You can use the tips in this book to find more subscribers for your email list so you can make the most of your marketing efforts.
All the techniques included in the book are proven. They are backed up with stats, referenced to websites. These techniques aren’t sleazy, sneaky, or designed to con people into getting on your list. They attract quality, engaged subscribers. That’s because while you do want a larger list, what you really want is a larger engaged list.
I’ll also show you how to leverage your email marketing content to also build a presence in social media and other platforms. Your email marketing program can and should be the thread that ties all your other marketing together. Email is still the killer app.
The book is laid out in six sections. Each section has several tips, and most of them include screen shots and other illustrations for quick reading. I’ve included lots of examples and graphics so you can understand what needs to get done quickly, and have a template to work from.
Only a few of the list growth techniques are highly technical, and most of them can be done in a few hours. If you spent just 2-3 hours a week executing what you learn in this book, your email list and your business will start seeing dramatic growth over the next few months.
Why waste time with marketing techniques that don’t work. Email still delivers over $40 for every dollar spent, and it is used constantly by billions of people.
Building your list assures you a security that paid traffic can never offer, and a way to continue to build relationships for years to come, no matter what policy changes happen on Facebook or whatever Google decides to do with the search engine results.
Your list is your own. Isn’t it time you invested more in it?
Here’s what the reviewers have to say:
“Email is still an important part of an overall marketing strategy, so how do you get a good list to work with? The author of this brisk little book identifies six primary methods:
1. Get more opt-ins at your website.
2. Gather subscribers from social media.
3. Use search and other people’s websites.
4. Take action in the real world.
5. Create emails people will want to share.
6. Keep your subscribers once you get them.”
“a quick read and great tips to implement in building your mailing list.”
“This is a very actionable book, very easy to use and read. Each principle is contained on one or two pages, most with clear illustrations that make it easy to implement. I’ve read a few email marketing books, and this one has some tips I had not seen before. If you want a book that you will actually use, get this book.”
“In a very clear style and with helpful charts to illustrate her points, Ms. Neely guided me through everything I need to know before starting to implement a long-overdue e-mail marketing list.”
“There’s nothing more important than growing your email list and this is the most comprehensive book I’ve purchased on the subject. I’m an accomplished Internet entrepreneur and direct marketer. This is so much more than a list, and so important that I printed it out and have instructed my VA to put one of the 50 tips into practice each week. I expect it to — at the very least — double my business.”
Buy 50 Ways to Grow Your Email Marketing List on Amazon now.